Saturday, May 17th, 10 AM – 7 PM, Jones Farm Park on 4 Mile Post Road

What’s happening at ValleyFest?
Everything we could think of that falls under the category of, “fun,” is what’s happening!
- 80 arts, crafts and business vendors will display and sell items
- 3 staging areas will host bands throughout the day!
American Lane Seminole Strut The Deltones
Mike Ball & the Madison Mountaintop Band Josh & Judy Allison
Our third staging area will offer exhibits and demonstrations by our friends from the
Rennaissance Faire!
Come Hungry! Food vendors will keep your tummy happy:
Badd Newz BBQ will offer, of course, barbeque!
Earth and Stone Woodfired Pizza
Crave Heat with Tex-Mex
Damont Hewlett with Cajun boiled crawfish, sausage, chicken etc.
Meaux’s Snoballs
Bigfoot’s Little Donuts
Piper & Leaf with homemade iced tea
Iceworks Shaved Ice with fresh squeezed lemonade
Brain Freeze with ice cream
- Several ValleyFest sponsors are offering free drawings!
– Bentley Hyundai has donated a flat screen T.V.
– Soohoo and Associates with Cruise One will be giving away travel sets
– South Huntsville Living will hold a drawing for an 18×24 canvas art print
– John Blue Realty will hold many door prize drawings at the Lendon Tent.
(We hope to hear from more businesses before you get our next email!)
- You’re bound to smile! In addition to stage performances, the park will be sprinkled with fun!
– Mickey, Minnie and Sponge Bob will join us, courtesy of Soohoo and Associates with CruiseOne.
– The TN Valley Ukulele Club will perform and invites you to join in.
– Artist, Chandler Hayes will create his unique style of graffiti art throughout the day.
– The Young Marines will be painting faces and coloring hair with hairspray.
– Not only will crawfish be there for eating, but they’ll compete in crawfish races!
– Soccer Shots will provide interactive soccer demonstrations.
- An Art photo contest will be held during ValleyFest
SHCA is sponsoring The Art of Motherhood Photo Contest
and fundraiser. This contest is open to all. Prizes include one week in a SeaScape condo in Destin, FL and a one night stay at the Westin Huntsville. More information is included at the end of this email.
AL Representative John Merrill
Soohoo & Associates with Cruise One
Republican Women of Huntsville
Madison County Young Republicans
Produced and hosted by SHCA,
ValleyFest, Spring 2014 is sponsored by:

South Huntsville Living