ValleyFest 2014 a Success!
We want to thank South Huntsville Civic Association for organizing another AWESOME ValleyFest this past Saturday!
After canceling the May 10th Event due to a solid forecast of thunderstorms, SHCH boldly went ahead with their plans to hold the Event on the 17th, in spite of another forecast of rain.
Well, rain it did … but the Vendors, Bands, and Foodtrucks patiently set up and waited, and sure enough the clouds eventually parted and then the party began!. One attendee said that seeing the event come to life after the rain was “like watching a colorful flower open up after a spring shower!”.
LENDON opened its newly compacted streets and parking areas to the Event to provide the Vendors and Visitors a convenient place to park. Once the Rain died down, in the early part of the day, the crowds started showing up. They kept our parking attendants busy until the entire development was filled all the way to the LENDON entrance at Four Mile Post Road.
John Blue Realty is Proud to be a founding sponsor of ValleyFest and we are pleased, and amazed, to see how popular ValleyFest has become in less than one year. We wish to thank the Public for coming out and enjoying the event as well, and though we apologize for the rainy weather, please understand that there wasn’t much we could do about that ;-).
We had so much fun however, in spite of the soggy conditions early on, that we hope SHCA will consider holding another ValleyFest in the Fall … but we will just have to wait and see what takes shape.
Please take a look below at LENDON’s ValleyFest tent and a few other photos we took while at the event.
For more photos and other news relating to the event please visit the ValleyFest facebook link below:

Brave ValleyFest Vendors waited-out the Rain

The Crowds showed up following the early Rain

LENDON Streets opened for ValleyFest Parking

Visitors Parked in front of the LENDON Brownstone Marker

Front View of The LENDON Tent

The LENDON Tent Welcomes Visitors

Architect Scott Wilson Helps Host the LENDON Tent

The LENDON Tent Welcoming More Visitors

Families Meet Near a Vendors Tent

Folks Enjoying one of the Awesome ValleFest Bands

ValleyFest Parking at LENDON Reaches capacity

And the Bands Played on and on